Humpday Bumpday: 15 Weeks

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How far along: 15 weeks
Gender: Still think GIRL, pretty sure I even convinced Erik it's a girl.
Weight gain: 5 lbs+
Maternity clothes: Loving my Gap maternity leggings! Also purchased a couple more tanks and dresses... preparing for the 100+ degree weather I'll be 6 months+ pregnant during.
Stretch marks: Nope. But I started running out of my Wedela stretch mark oil, so I switched up my stretch mark cream game and got some Mustela.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: My Snoogle arrived yesterday and so far I'm lovin' it!! Erik thinks it's hilarious to call it my "poop pillow" because it's brown and I guess kinda sorta looks like poop when it's all curled up.
Best moment this week: We went to pho last night which always makes me happy and means I have an awesome lunch today!
Miss anything: I miss my clothes fitting the way they used to. I'm in this awkward "did you eat too many cupcakes or are you pregnant?" stage.
Happy or Moody: Although Erik says I'm extra sassy, I'm definitely a lot less moody these days.  Thanks, hormones!
Movement: Every time I feel something that may or may not be gas, I stand completely still and try to figure out if it is indeed gas or baby. 
Cravings: Strawberries and peanut butter... give 'em to me together or separate.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good! And one day I'll learn not to take my prenatal on an empty stomach, then we'll be all good.
Looking forward to: Summer is right around the corner, and although I'm dreading the heat, I can't wait to start getting baby things together and a week in San Diego.


Spring Break: San Diego

Monday, April 28, 2014

Well friends, I survived my first day back at work after Spring Break and a long weekend in San Diego. Knowing that there's only 4 more weeks of school really helped too!

San Diego, here we come!

Thursday, Erik & I left for my favorite place on Earth, San Diego! The weather was absolutely perfect when we arrived and we stopped in Ocean Beach for some fish tacos (no photos of the tacos exist-I ate them way too fast).

We spent the rest of the afternoon lounging at our hotel pool... which overlooked the beach. (it was a little too chilly for my Arizona blood to be hangin' at the beach).

The next day we took a stroll down the boardwalk and checked to see if our summer beach house still existed. 

It did.

I made friends with a dog.

Then we met up with some of Erik's friends for some "drinks" at the bar.  I put drinks in quotes because the only drink I was having was water.  And a lot of it.  Which lead to 34839020349 trips to the bathroom.

You can see here how I feel about having "drinks" at the bar.

Saturday, I met up with my friend Kate for brunch, then Erik & I headed off to a BBQ.  The couple hosting the BBQ had an 8 month old son who I was quite excited to meet because that is the age our kid will be at our wedding.  I was very interested to see what a child that age was capable of and what their  demeanor was like.  From what I gathered, they are quite squirmy. 

Before we headed home Sunday, Erik and I got some "coffees" (Mexican hot chocolate for me), strolled down the pier, and ate a delicious breakfast with an ocean view.

It was a great spring break (and as my mom reminded me, my last childless one)!  I'm already looking forward to our next trip to SD in June.

Happy Monday! XO

Humpday Bumpday: 14 Weeks

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happy Humpday Bumpday! 
My Spring Break has finally arrived and I'm lovin' it.

How far along: 14 weeks
Gender: We find out for sure May 27, but I'm 100% convinced it's a girl. Trust me, I'm a doctor. 
Weight gain: 5 lbs. (Probably more after all the Easter candy I consumed)
Maternity clothes: There was a small part of me that thought I'd never have to wear maternity clothes. HAHAHA! I can still fit into all my normal clothes, but now that I have a few maternity pieces, I realize they are so much more comfortable and fit me so much better. Wow, what a concept.
Stretch marks: Nope. 
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I'm thinking I'm going to need to invest in one of those pregnancy pillows soon.  It's really hard for me to get comfortable on my side and I know I won't be able to lay on my back too much longer.
Best moment this week: It's Spring Break!! I got to meet Erik for a lunch date yesterday, and he treated me to a mani/pedi. 
Miss anything: I missed having mimosas at Easter brunch. But Erik made me a "virgin mimosa" or as I like to call it, orange juice.
Happy or Moody: In what I lacked in morning sickness, I've made up for with "morning crazy." Some people say "don't talk to me before my coffee."  Well, don't talk to this pregnant lady before I've eaten.  I have lost my shit 3 times now after Erik has said something completely harmless while I was making breakfast. Pregnancy hormones and being hungry are a lethal combination. 
Movement: I swear I'm feeling some new sensations in my tummy that are not gas, but possibly my imagination. 
Cravings: Carbs, pickles, cottage cheese-which I eat by the spoonfuls straight from the container, horchata (I made my own horchata frappuccino yesterday!)

Queasy or sick: I woke up Sunday night soooooo nauseous which I found bizarre because I haven't felt nauseous in awhile before that.
Looking forward to: We're going to San Diego tomorrow and I could not be more excited for a long weekend at the beach! 

Beerbelly. Babybelly.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My most recent craving has definitely been carbs.  Carbs on carbs on carbs.  Kinda wish it would go back to fruit, but until then, I thought I'd share two of my faves: Garlic Chicken Pizza with White Sauce and Penne Vodka.  While Erik & I were in Vegas this February, we had the most delicious flatbread on Valentine's Day, and since we won't be going back to Vegas anytime soon and I NEED carbs, I attempted to recreate it.  And it wasn't half bad.  
Penne Vodka has always been one of my favorite pasta dishes.  I texted my mom before I made it to make sure I could still eat it and she assured me that all the alcohol burns off when you cook it.  Then she asked me if I was was having Penne Vodka for lunch.  Ummm no mother, our school cafeteria did not start serving Penne Vodka, unfortunately.

Garlic Chicken Pizza with White Sauce 
2 slices of Naan Bread
1 tbsp butter
8 cloves roasted garlic, minced
2 tbsp all-purpose flour
½ tsp black pepper
½ cup skim milk
¼ cup half and half
¼ cup Parmesan cheese
1½ cup boneless skinless chicken breast, cooked and shredded
¼ cup red onion, diced
¾ cup Mozzarella cheese
1 tsp fresh thyme, chopped
½ tsp dried oregano
1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

Preheat oven to 450.
Melt butter in a small saucepan. Saute roasted garlic for 1 minute.
Add flour, and mix until well blended. Cook for 1 minute.
Slowly whisk in the milk and half & half, stir in the pepper.
Cook for about 3 minutes, or until it starts to thicken. Remove from heat, and stir in the parm.
Place 2 slices of Naan Bread on baking sheet. Spread white sause over the bread. Top with chicken, red onions and cheese.
Bake for 17 minutes, or until the crust is golden, and the cheese is melted.
Remove from the oven, sprinkle with herbs. Cut and serve immediately.

Penne Vodka 
6 slices Bacon
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 can tomato paste
1/4 cup vodka
1/2 cup heavy cream
Pinch of nutmeg
1 pound penne
Grated Parmigiano Reggiano

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and cook penne.
Drain, reserving some pasta water for sauce.
In a large pan, cook bacon over medium heat to render out fat. Cook for about 10 minutes or until cooked. Add the garlic and tomato paste and cook until tomato paste darkens.  Stir in the vodka and cook for a few minutes. Add cream and season with nutmeg and salt to taste. Adjust thickness of sauce with pasta water as needed. Add cooked penne and toss to coat.
Sprinkle with Parmigiano-Reggiano and serve.

Easter Weekend

Monday, April 21, 2014

A lovely Easter Weekend is even lovelier when you wake up Monday morning and it's the start of your Spring Break! 

Erik & I headed up to Scottsdale Friday, with my friend from Tucson, Jaclyn, in tow. We met up with some friends for dinner & drinks (read: water) and while Erik played golf Saturday, we worked on our pre-Spring Break tans.

On Sunday, my parents had some family and friends over for Easter brunch.  I convinced my mom to do a brunch mostly because I really didn't want to eat honey-baked ham and I was having a cinnamon roll craving.  Although, I will probably never make homemade cinnamon rolls ever again.  Despite them being delicious, they were a pain in the behind to make.  I am not a baker.

There was so much yummy food and great company, and the weather was absolutely perfect.

And can I just say how uuuuuhbsessed I am with my Easter dress.  Jaclyn bought it for me after we spotted it at Tarjay Saturday and decided I had to have it.  Now that my tummy is progressing from a food baby to an actually baby bump, this dress is so flattering and sooooo comfortable.  I can't seem to find it online, but it's Liz Lange maternity for Target.  So if you're pregnant (or even if you're not) run to your nearest Target and grab yourself one. 

And of course (as you can see) no Easter is complete until you dye some eggs. 

Hope everyone had the most fabulous Easter! xoxo

Humpday Bumpday: 13 Weeks

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I was planning to do these bumpdates every Monday, but Humpday Bumpday just has such a nice ring to it! 

How far along: 13 weeks
Gender: I think girl, Erik thinks wants a boy
Weight gain: 5 lbs
Maternity clothes: I pretty much only wear skirts and dresses  to work these days (pants are not really my friend) and immediately change into my Gap maternity leggings when I get home.
Stretch marks:  Still hoping to steer clear of those, using Weleda Pregnancy Body Oil
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Good! Except I've been having some crazy weird dreams. Like the one I had last night where my doctor told me the baby's head was too big, and I insisted that was only because I have a big head.
Best moment this week: I had my regular doctor appointment today (last week was my NT Scan) and the baby was moving around too much to pick up the heartbeat longer than a couple seconds on the doppler, so I had an ultrasound and got to see the lil babe doing a headstand. Also finding out the results of the NT Scan came back completely normal.
Miss anything: Lunch meat, which actually sounds really gross to say... but somewhere out there a turkey sandwich is calling my name.
Movement: This baby is definitely a mover! I can't wait til I can actually feel the movement.
Cravings: Fruit still. And Italian, gimme some pasta and pizza.
Queasy or sick: I only feel nauseous now if I take my prenatal on an empty stomach.
Looking forward to: Finding out if we're having a boy or girl! (On May 27!) And spring break next week!!!

Our little gymnast 

ABC's Of Me

Sunday, April 13, 2014

I saw this on Pieces of the Reese Life, and loved it so much, I had to do it myself!

A - Age: 25 
B - Birthday: December 8 
C - Color: Purple 
D - Drink: Wine, Currently Fresca 
E - Eyes: Green or blue, I’m not really sure. Erik says they’re hazel but I know he’s wrong about that, shh don’t tell him. 
F - Flashback: to San Diego summers… because it’s almost that time again!! 

G - Gent: Erik, my best friend and love of my life.

H - Hobby: Cooking. I LOVE cooking and watching cooking shows; my favorite is The Chew. I record it everyday and watch it when I get home from work. 
I - Indulgence: ICE CREAM. I barely ever keep it in the house because I have no self control. 
J - Job: Kindergarten teacher 
K - Kiddos: Baby Anderson coming in October! 
L - Love: Erik, my friends, my family, the beach 
M - Music: I really hate when people ask me what music I like because my response is always an awkward blank stare and, “uhhhh everything?” But Citizen Cope is my favorite and I love rap & hip hop, so there’s that. 
N - Nickname: Stine. That’s actually more like my name considering hardly anyone calls me Christina. 
O - One Wish: For a healthy, happy baby!
P - Pets: Kobe!! 

Q - Quote: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” 
R - Residence: Tucson, AZ 
S - Siblings: 1 younger sister, Kelly 

T - Temperature: Currently 79 & sunny! Enjoying these few weeks of spring Arizona gets before it’s 100+ degrees out everyday. 

U - University: Arizona State!!! 
V - Vehicle: Yari the Yaris 
W - Worst Habit: I’m very, very, very impatient. 
X - XRays: Fun Fact: I have scoliosis, so I’ve had my back x-rayed multiple times. I’ve also had my hand and hip bone x-rayed, because (another fun fact!) when those bones fuse together, that’s how you can tell when you’ve stopped growing and the scoliosis won’t get worse. Okay one more fun fact: I stopped growing when I was 16. 
Y - Yuck: In case you missed it, you can find all the things I find disgusting, here
Z - Zodiac: Sagittarius. A psychic once told me I’m also a double fire sign, which basically means I’m crazy… but in the best way possible ;)

Things That Gross Me Out

Saturday, April 12, 2014

I probably wouldn't read this if I was eating.  Actually, I might not read this at all.

Cottage Cheese. Strange that I actually love cottage cheese.  But seeing it anywhere outside the container really grosses me out.  Like, for example, this morning Erik ate some cottage cheese for breakfast and didn't make sure all the curds (OMG! That word can just send me over the edge!) made their way down the drain after he rinsed out his bowl.  So when I used the sink next, I was greeted by curds. Gag. But like I said, I love cottage cheese, but I'm the weirdo who can only eat it out of the container or in a restaurant when I don't see it moving from container to bowl.  Maybe this post should really be titled "Things That Make Me A Weirdo."

Swimsuit bottom sanitary stickers. I'm not sure what the technical term is for these bad boys, but we all know those stickers that come on every swimsuit bottom we buy. They're gross.  I'm thinking I should invest in some latex gloves for every time I have to remove them.  Right now I'm just using a bunch of tissues.  And damn those things are sticky! Making it extra hard to remove with a bunch of tissues in your hand.

Socks in the bed. There is a rule in our house: No Socks In The Bed.  The thought of Erik's feet touching mine while he's wearing socks...I CAN'T.  Or my own feet being suffocated by socks and sheets and a comforter...NOOOOOOO.

Loose Teeth. Yes I'm the kindergarten teacher who can't stand loose teeth.  No, I will not try to pull out your loose tooth, nor will I encourage you to try to pull it out during the school day. When kids come up to me to show off their loose teeth, I give them my biggest smile, tell them, "That's awesome!!!" and suggest they wait til they get home to try anything crazy, like pulling it out.  BTW, do you know kids are making like 10 bucks for loosing a tooth these days?! No wonder they're so eager to pull them out.

Snot. Yes I'm also the kindergarten teacher who hates snot.  Sure, you can throw up in front of me, but please don't let snot hang out of your nose.  Tissues are our friend.

Yeah, maybe this really should have been called, "Things That Make Me A Weirdo."

First Comes Love, Then Comes...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Baby?! In case you missed my last post, Erik & I are expecting a pumpkin in October! But before I even found out I was pregnant, and even before we got engaged, we knew we wanted to get married in the summer.  Since we got engaged in February, this summer was out of the question, so summer 2015 it was! 
We also knew we wanted to get married in Temecula, CA.  Erik & I went to visit some of his friends in Temecula about 3 years ago and absolutely fell in the love with the wine country. It is beautiful and SO much fun! We also met in California, so it was perfect!
This past weekend, my mom, sister, and girlfriends, Sarah & Kate headed off to the vineyards to pick the place Erik & I would be getting hitched. We went to 5 places and literally after leaving each place I said, "THIS is the place we're going to get married!" 
Until the last place absolutely stole my heart.
I honestly can't remember the particular wineries we visited 3 years ago, so when planning this trip, I was just choosing places that looked nice and could schedule a tour for the time we needed.  But I had a feeling about the last place we were going to visit from the beginning.  Although each place was fabulous, everything about the last place was perfection. 

So on June 13, 2015, Erik & I will be getting married here!

Our girls' weekend in Temecula was such a blast (even though there was no wine tasting for me) and I can't wait to share our special day with the amazing friends and family we have in our lives!

Here's some more shots from our Wedding Wine Weekend..

My breakfast Sunday morning, "Elvis french toast" 
... french toast stuffed with peanut butter & bananas. YUM. 

Happy Thirsty Thursday, friends! Have some wine for me!


Monday, April 7, 2014

Have you noticed? Something is missing from the blog.  And no you jerk, it's not ME.  Although, I have completely failed at my New Years Resolution of posting at least 3 times a week. (But New Years Resolutions are stupid anyway).  Have you figured it out yet?! Let me give you a hint, this blog is called Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine? I LOVE wine. Have you seen any wine on the blog in the last few months??? Well my friends, that is because Erik & I have some very exciting news...
We are expecting a baby in October!!!

Here's our little pumpkin, who I am convinced is a girl.  Even the ultrasound tech at our 12 week scan said if she had to make a prediction, it would be girl, but we'll have to wait a few more weeks to be sure. Can't wait!

I found out I was pregnant at the beginning of February. I just kinda had a feeling, so I took a test one Friday after work, but I only saw one line, so I thought my feeling must be wrong.  The next morning, that gut feeling was still there, so I took another test.  This time, two pink lines popped up, but one was still so faint, I wasn't 100% convinced.  So I went to Tarjay, and picked up a digital test that would tell me plain & simple, "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant."  And sure enough, it came up pregnant! 

Erik was still asleep when all this went down, so after he woke up, I told him I had to tell him something. He was standing in the doorway of our bedroom at this point and he asked if he should stay there.  I suggested he sit down on the bed, and I brought out the digital pregnancy test.  Before he even saw what it said, I think he knew what was going down. His eyes filled up with tears, he smiled, and said, "REALLY?!" Then he high-fived me.

We couldn't be happier to start this new chapter in our lives. (oh & we're planning a wedding for June 2015, more on that to come!)  And I'm also so excited to follow in the footsteps of some of my favorite bloggers & start posting Bumpdates. 

12 Weeks

How far along: 12 weeks
Gender: I think girl, Erik thinks wants a boy
Weight gain: 5 lbs
Maternity clothes: I purchased a couple pairs of Gap maternity leggings, and they are the most comfy things ever!
Stretch marks: Hoping to steer clear of those, I've already started using Weleda Pregnancy Body Oil
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Good! Except for having to get up and pee 2-3 times a night
Best moment this week: Seeing baby at our 12 week scan! We got so many great pictures, despite him/her being a complete wiggle worm.
Miss anything: Wine (duh).  Having ANY energy past 8PM.
Movement: We got to see so much movement at the 12 week scan, it was amazing!!
Cravings: Fruit! I want nothing to do with veggies (which is the complete opposite of how I usually am) and peanut butter.
Queasy or sick: I finally stopped feeling crumby 24/7 and couldn't be happier about that!
Looking forward to: Finding out if we're having a boy or girl!

Happy Bumpdate Monday!

3 Ways To Spot A Questionable Person

Thursday, April 3, 2014

I really like the word questionable.  I use it in my classroom quite often because it sounds much better than, "OHMIGOD what are you doing?! That is so weird! Remove that glue stick cap from your forehead immediately!" 
And I think there's 3 pretty clear ways to spot the questionable people among us. (Note how I said spot not avoid because we all gotta love a good questionable person at the end of the day).

They don't give the courtesy wave.  You better hope I don't let you into my lane in your dire moment of merging and you don't give me the courtesy wave.  You will feel my wrath. Just kidding.  No you won't.  Because I'll be screaming at you with my windows rolled up and you probably won't know any better.  I yell at people while driving like I would never speak to anyone, ever.  Is that road rage?

They have an iPhone, but no case.  Maybe I should be commending these people because they are ever so careful or are just living on the edge taking their precious iPhones out into the cruel, cruel world without any protection.  But let's get real.  I don't care who you are, your phone is gonna hit the ground eventually and without a case, it's gonna break.  SO WHAT ARE YOU THINKING NOT HAVING A CASE?!

They put ketchup on their hotdogs.  If you know me, you know I loooooooove ketchup.  But c'monnnnn, ketchup is not for hotdogs! Mustard and sauerkraut, and if you're really daring, relish goes on hotdogs... anything but ketchup! 

In related news, I know this is three ways to spot a questionable person, but my darling fiancĂ© did something so questionable tonight.  He said he wanted Hamburger Helper, I wasn't opposed, so he goes to the store and gets what we need.  When I gather all the stuff he got to start "cooking" I pick up the Hamburger Helper box and realize it's not cheeseburger macaroni. Who says they want Hamburger Helper and doesn't get cheeseburger macaroni?!?! It was stroganoff, in case you're just as confused as I was... 

Love him. 


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