Amateur Hour

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween quietly reminds me of the many amateur moves I make...

1) I think I am a master pumpkin carver. Last year I tried to make the Arizona State University pitchfork. That's it on the far left:

This year, I thought I'd go with something "simpler." An owl. It's an improvement, but not quite there.

2) I like to pretend I have self control. So of course I buy Butterfingers (my personal fave) for the trick or treaters. And of course we get ZERO trick or treaters. I'm too ashamed to look at how many Butterfingers are left in the bag. I'm guessing 4 or 5..

NOTE TO SELF: Go with your standard jack o' lantern next year. And buy some banana flavored Laffy Taffy... but who am I kidding? I'll probably eat those too.

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