About Me

I'm Christina. I love wine, cooking, sushi, the beach, avocados & pretending to be funny.

I met this man in San Diego in the summer of 2009.  We were both on vacation, staying at the same hostel on the beach.  I pointed him out to my BFF and later that night she convinced me to talk to him.  After working up some courage, I walked over to where he was sitting on the deck.  But right as I sat down, he got up.  Okay, he hates me. The next day we ended up talking and sharing some french fries (my favorite food).  And after a couple icy cold beverages, I thought it would be a super cute idea to make him a seashell necklace... which he so graciously wore that entire weekend.  On the day I left San Diego, my BFF & I spent some time by the ocean, where Erik snuck up on me as a "seaweed man." He had literally covered himself in seaweed and jumped on top of me as I lay unsuspecting on the beach.  We've always been so romantic.

Between the french fries and seashell necklace, we really hit it off in those few days.  Erik was living in Washington at the time, where I visited him later that summer.  From very early on, I knew there was something really special about this guy.  At the end of summer '09 I found out Erik would be starting school at the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ.  Although it was my school's (Arizona State) rival, I couldn't be happier that he would be in Arizona!  Flash forward almost 6 years and we've graduated (I'm a kindergarten teacher, he's an engineer), gotten married and have the sweetest, sassiest baby around, Sofia Belle. Come along for the adventures & shenanigans!


  1. haha this whole thing made me giggle. i would definitely hang out with someone that made me a seashell necklace, and i would make anyone dressed in head-to-toe seaweed my new bff. such a cute story :)

  2. Oh my gosh, you guys have the cutest story! I love that you made him a seashell necklace, and he covered himself in seaweed. LOL!

  3. I am 100% with you on everything you love in your first sentence! So glad I came across your blog! :)



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