10 On Tuesday | Things I Wish I Was Better At

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I love a list (you should see the notes on my iPhone) so I'm linking up with Karli over at September Farm for 10 On Tuesday, and presenting you with 10 Things I Wish I Was Better At.

O N E | Organization. Overall my house is pretty clean, but almost nothing NOTHING is organized. My kitchen cabinets are a disaster, our laundry room is madness, and every closet-a catastrophe. 

T W O | Being less awkward. Small talk is so not my forte. A couple months ago, I saw one of my coworkers out at a store (she didn't see me) but I thought, "Hey! I should go say hi to her instead of avoiding her!" And immediately regretted it, because after the initial "hi!!" I was like oh god now what do I say? "It's super windy today, don't ya think?!"

T H R E E | Curling my hair. Like I'm 27 years old and I just don't get how to do it, and all the YouTube videos in the world couldn't save me.

F O U R | Braiding my hair. Along the same lines as curling my hair, I've watched dozens of YouTube tutorials (I even wasted Sofia's entire naptime once) but it's just not happening for me. 

F I V E | Baking. I am a fabulous cook, but an awful baker. And I know my problem. I hate measuring things, and that's kinda sorta necessary when baking. I once attempted to make Erik's grandma pumpkin bread for Thanksgiving, but had to throw the loaf away after I taste tested it and realized for the umpteenth time, I'm no baker.

S I X | Reading. Okay, it's not like I can't read (I am a teacher, after all) but I want to be that person who reads a new book every month or enjoys reading before bed instead of watching Vanderpump Rules. I recently (2 weeks ago) started reading a new book, but so far have only made it through the prologue...

S E V E N | Running. I soooo want to love running. The weather outside is gorgeous, it's something I can take Sofia to do with me, and overall running is just plain good for ya! But each time I try to get into running, I make it about a month before I start thinking this is really boring. Like, I've seen all these trees, bushes, and cacti before and have heard this song on Pandora 200 times.

E I G H T | Time management. Literally I can't wrap my mind around how anyone has more than one child and gets anything done. Oh wait, they probably have better time management skillz than me. (this is one I'm really truly working on getting better at because I want to do all the things!).

N I N E | Putting away laundry. According to my husband, "Laundry is so easy, just set it and forget it!" Ya okay, and then what? Wait for the laundry fairy to beam down and do the daunting task of actually putting it away? I'm trying to remedy this by doing smaller loads of laundry throughout the week instead of one huge load on Sunday, which inevitably leads to a Mt. Everest of clean, unfolded laundry for the next several days.

T E N | Singing. My singing has brought my daughter to (sad/scared) tears. Enough said. 


  1. I'm with you in so many of those-reading, curling my hair to get those nice tousseled curls,and the biggest one...time management. At least we aren't alone!
    Kate::A Little NW Charm

  2. I'm with you on #4! I hate that I can't braid my daughter's hair.

    1. BTW, the instagram link on your sidebar wasn't working. Just thought I'd let you know. =)

    2. thanks so much for letting me know! it's fixed now :)

  3. Ugh I am with you on the organization and time management!!!! My house is a wreck!!

  4. I am with you on pretty much all of these things, especially curling my hair and being less awkward! So glad you commented on my blog, can't wait to explore your blog more :)

  5. I wish I was less awkward too. I do the same thing you did at the grocery store all the time. And the laundry. I used to be so good at it but since having kids, I am the worst. I opt to leave the laundry in the dryer until I run another load. Then I am forced to fold it. And sometimes it sits in the laundry basket for a day or two. So bad.

    1. I do the same thing sometimes leaving the laundry in the dryer until I run another load. anything to avoid actually having to put it away!!

  6. I can relate to so many things on your list. By chance did you have only brothers growing up? Sometimes I wonder if my lack of hair curling/braiding skills are due to having only brothers. I'm terrible at the laundry folding too and have even *gasp rewashed a load because it has hung out in the dryer for so long that the wrinkles weren't coming out unless I ironed and who has time for that?

  7. This was so funny! And no she did not have brothers growing up, and she had a mom (me) who NEVER got the knack of any hairstyle beyond the basic braid. I actually think those moms who did french braids had some kind of magic talent. And I also LOVE lists!!



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