Sofia's Birth Story Part I

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sofia's birth was nothing like I had imagined. Not like I imagined it very much because it was all very surreal and a little bit scary to think about. I didn't have a birth plan. But I did plan to hold off on the epidural as long as possible. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)

On Wednesday, October 15 I went to bed having some cramping. As the night went on, I realized these must be contractions! Imagine that! And around 4:30am I decided to download an app that would track how far apart they were. They got to be 6 minutes apart and then around 8am they stopped. Completely. I had my 39 week doctor appointment scheduled for 10am that day, so I decided to wait it out until then. Erik and I went on a walk and I bounced on my yoga ball trying to get the contractions to start again, but no such luck. 

So 10am rolls around and Erik & I go to the doctor where we find out I am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. This was a 1cm progression from the week prior. The doctor asked if I wanted my membranes stripped. I asked if it hurt. She said yes and I said yes. It's worth noting it did not hurt as much as it was uncomfortable and did not hurt nearly as much as the contractions it surely caused. 

Because nothing really seemed to be happening, Erik decided to go into work for the rest of the day and I headed home. But by the time I got back home (which is less than 10 minutes from the doctor) my contractions had started again. Nothing too cray cray but I started tracking them on my trusty app. I also went to Tarjay because I really wanted to make some banana bread. Spoiler alert: the banana bread never happened.

Around 2pm my contractions were less than 5 minutes apart and I called Erik and told him he should probably come home. We got to the hospital a little before 3, and lo and behold I was still 2cm. Around 3:30, the nurse suggested I try walking for an hour. At this point my contractions were so close together and so painful, walking was nearly impossible. As Erik and I walked the halls of the hospital I told him maybe one kid is enough?! Tonight during dinner I said 3 kids sounded great! Back to the "walking." It was painful and seemed impossible. I gave up in less than an hour. 

The nurse checked me again at 4:30 and I was still only 2cm but my cervix was thinning out she said. I became one of those ladies that screamed through my contractions and I told Erik over and over "I can't do this." I have quite the high pain tolerance (I thought) but contractions are a different beast. It seemed like the pain was never going to end and I was forgetting about the greatest gift that was about to come. However, at some point I came to my senses and told Erik, maybe I should start saying, "I can do this!" You know, put some positive vibes out in the universe. I also told the nurse, "I'm usually much more friendly than this."

At 5:30 the nurse came back and said she could give me some morphine. This would help with the pain and also put me to sleep. Neither of which happened. But about an hour later, she came back and said the doctor on-call said I could be admitted (I'd been in triage) and would be induced in 2 hours if I didn't dilate more on my own or I could go home and wait it out there. After talking to Erik and my mom, I decided to stay. It was baby time!! 

A Week of Sofia

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Good morning, party people! It's me, Sofia! I've been living outside the womb for a week now, so I thought I'd share some of the highlights.  My dad says all I do is eat, eat, eat but I promise I'm much more exciting than that.

For example, I may be the world's cutest Seahawks fan. Despite my adorbs outfit and cheering, they lost on Sunday. Next time, boys.

On Monday, I had my first real outing. I went to the doctor! I would have picked something a lil more exciting for my first outing, but mom and dad seemed to insist. At least mom tried to jazz things up a bit and put me in this festive outfit. Things are looking grand in the health department for me. While I was at the doctor they got me nakey and weighed me, I thought this was a great time to go pee. It's so fun peeing without a diaper on, I've tried it multiple times since then!!

Mom and Dad took me for my first walk around the 'hood but I couldn't be bothered, this was an excellent time to nap. At least they got my good side in the pictures. 

Some of my other favorites include, but are not limited to... 

Cuddling with my dad. I love love love this! It's probably my most favorite thing ever. I think I love it more than peeing without my diaper on, but maybe not quite as much as I love eating. 

Taking baths. Mostly because I get wrapped up in the most awesome towels when I'm done.

Being a fashionista.

I hear this thing called Halloween is coming and Mom & Dad insisted we get pumpkins. Again, I couldn't be bothered.

Story time is another one of my faves. I love Goodnight Moon and books about Halloween.

And last but not least! My newest favorite thing, the MamaRoo! Mom decided I had to have it, and wow am I sure glad she did! It bounces around in all kinds of fun ways and makes sounds that remind me of being in the womb; which mom & dad can't figure out why I like so much, they're so simple minded.

Happy Saturday, new friends!!

Welcome to the World, Sofia Belle!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

On Friday, October 17, at 4:50am Sofia Belle graced us with her presence.  She is the spitting image of Erik (she even has his blood type!) but I can't be too mad because he makes a pretty cute gal. ;)
There are no words to describe the love that has consumed me.


Humpday Bumpday: 39 Weeks

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hey guys, I'M STILL PREGNANT. And humongous. Someone told me the other day I looked like an egg.  My due date is Sunday, but I'm not quite convinced baby girl is ready to make her debut.  My doctor likes to say things like, "You won't be pregnant forever" and "She really likes her home in there."  I've also had a feeling from about halfway through my pregnancy that she was going to be late. Call it a mother's intuition, but I'm still pretty convinced it to be true. The lunch lady at our school did tell me today though that the baby is coming soon because she's dropping soooooo maybe I'm wrong? I'm quite the planner, so this whole unknown waiting thing is just not my forte. I know she'll come when she's ready, but baby gal, let's go!! You have so many cute clothes to wear, people to meet, oh and YOU HAVE A NAME!!! But you've heard that last one before and it didn't end up being true... so I understand if you're skeptical. 

How far along: 39 weeks
Gender: GIRL! 
Weight gain: 36 lbs. 
Maternity clothes: I clearly really like this striped dress, I don't even want to go back and count how many of these photos I'm rockin' it in.
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: I think we can officially declare it an outtie at this point. 
Sleep: People keep telling me "get all the sleep you can now."  Easier said than done at 9 months pregnant, people! 
Best moment this week: Erik read a book to baby girl last night and it was the cutest thing. When he got done, he said SHE NEEDS MORE BOOKS!! :)
Miss anything: When I could see my feet, bending over without almost ripping my pants (yes, that almost happened at work yesterday).
Happy or Moody: Happy! 
Movement: She really surprises me sometimes with how much she can still wiggle around in there. Future gymnast?
Cravings: Considering the excessive amount of cheese I ate today, I'm gonna have to go with cheese. 
Symptoms: I HAVE CANKLES. 
Looking forward to: My dr. appointment tomorrow to see if baby A has any plans of gracing us with her presence in the near future. 


Humpday Bumpday: 38 Weeks

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I was stalking my own Instagram yesterday when I came across a picture I posted at 32 weeks. I had captioned it #howcanmybellygetanybigger. HA! Baby got the last laugh.  
How far along: 38 weeks
Gender: GIRL! 
Weight gain: 34 lbs. 
Maternity clothes: Ready to kiss these bad boys goodbye!!
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: I still wouldn't call it an "official" outie, but it has its moments. 
Sleep: I'm usually awake for 2 hours in the middle of the night. Trying to get comfortable. Debating if I'm hungry enough to get out of bed for a midnight snack. Thinking of ways to rearrange my classroom.
Best moment this week: We have a short work week this week... hellllllllllo 3 day weekend!!
Miss anything: I could really go for a pumpkin beer
Happy or Moody: Happy! 
Movement: She is most definitely running out of room in there. Her big rolls are turning into nudges and pokes. Although, as I'm typing this, she's trying her darndest to make some major moves.
Cravings: Pizza, pumpkin bread. Sooooooooooo much pumpkin bread. 
Symptoms: Heartburn.
Looking forward to: The upcoming 3 day weekend!! This could potentially be our last baby-free weekend!

Happy Humpday!

Nursery Tour

Sunday, October 5, 2014

With only 2 weeks to go until my due date, I thought it was time I finally shared a peak into baby girl's nursery. She still doesn't have an "official" name but she's got a cute room! And that's what matters, right? jk jk LOL.
Erik's favorite thing to do is tell me, "You can pick out the name. Whatever you want I'm okay with." Then I think of the the most perfect name and he makes a face like, reeeeeeally, that's what you came up with. Or says it's too close to his boss' name. Or that's the name of our neighbor's dog. 
We're both pretty convinced (and livin' on a hope and prayer) that when we see her, we'll just know. 
But enough about names. Let me distract you from the fact that our child could be born in less than 14 days and doesn't have a name with a really cute nursery!! 

Happy Sunday! 

Humpday Bumpday: 37 Weeks

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It's October!!! The month baby girl is going to make her debut! 
Sometimes I feel like this pregnancy has been going on fooooorever and I don't even remember a time before I was growing another human inside me. But sometimes it seems like just yesterday it was that morning in February I found out I was pregnant.
I remember so clearly the first time Erik & I went to the doctor and saw our tiny seed of a baby on the ultrasound screen and her little heart beating away. After we left, we went to Jimmy Johns for lunch and I was so happy knowing everything was looking a-okay. 
I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that in less than a month we will be holding the baby we saw when she was just a little blurb on the ultrasound screen. 
I've had lots of dreams about her being born (none where I'm actually giving birth--my dreams are kind enough to skip over that part) but where I'm in labor and then she magically appears and then no one in the hospital can figure out how to put her in a carseat.  But that's neither here nor there. 
We're anxiously awaiting your arrival baby girl!! You picked the most beautiful month in Arizona to be born!

How far along: 37 weeks
Gender: GIRL! 
Weight gain: 34 lbs. My doctor predicted the babe weighed 6.5-7 lbs. at my 36 week appointment. So ummm that accounts for a tiny fraction of my epic weight gain. 
Maternity clothes: Yup.
Stretch marks: Nada
Belly button in or out: Still in on most occasions. 
Sleep: I'm waking up at least twice a night now to use the facilities and it is no easy task getting back to sleep. 
Best moment this week: We finally ordered a rocking chair for the nursery and it should be arriving later this week! 
Miss anything: Sleeping on anything but my side.
Happy or Moody: Happy! 
Movement: Her movement feels a lot different this week, she's definitely running out of space up in thurrr. 
Cravings: Peanut butter
Symptoms: Tailbone pain, and a slight case of swollen ankles. 
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby girl!!!


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