Naming A Kid Is Hard

Sunday, June 29, 2014

I've been thinking of baby names I liked since I was about nine. I can pinpoint it to my 9-year-old self because one of the names I distinctly remember liking was Arthur; because I thought (and still think) Arthur is the greatest show ever. Except my 25-year-old self does not want to name my child after a talking aardvark in a yellow sweater.

I've mentioned before I had a feeling from very early on that we were having a girl, so I only came up with girl names. Once I got Erik on the "it's a girl!!" wagon, I would bounce names off him. All of which he hated. Except one. On our way to San Diego back in April, we were discussing baby names and came up with the name I was certain we would name our daughter. And once we found out it was definitely a girl, I thought, "and she already has a name!" My plan was to not tell anyone the name until she was born, but Erik and I are the absolute WORST at surprises, so we told most people we knew. Although I discussed her name with family and friends, I hardly ever referred to her by name. I was afraid, "what if we change our minds?! and she's heard us calling her this name the whole time and she comes out utterly confused about life??!" Blame the crazy on the pregnancy hormones.

Last night, Erik and I were standing in her nursery when he asked me what I thought of a new name. Except he didn't say "new name," he actually said the name (which I'm not going to disclose right now because it's a lot easier to keep a secret when you have to type it out). I was actually quite shocked he liked the name, and before I let myself get too excited about it, I asked if he was for realz. And he was indeed for cereal. He then played me a song that has the name in it and we danced in the living room and I felt so happy in that moment, I thought this is the one. But who knows really. My mom has told me 29382910 times you have to wait to SEE the baby first. I really commend people who pick their kid's name early in their pregnancy and stick to it. This whole naming business is a lot harder than I expected. But whatever her name may end up being, she'll be our sweet babe.

Humpday Bumpday: 23 Weeks

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How far along: 23 weeks
Gender: GIRL!
Weight gain: 18 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Yesterday I was pretty proud of myself for putting on a "real outfit" and not just a romper or dress; granted, the button of my shorts was unbuttoned but no one could tell (or at least I hope not...)
Stretch marks: Nada
Belly button in or out: In, but getting flatter
Sleep: I definitely slept better before I was pregnant but can't complain too much about the current sleep sitch. 
Best moment this week: Amazon sent me an email this morning saying they were having a great sale on baby clothes, and indeed they were! I scooped up a few cute onesies and baby Levis. Yes, baby Levis!
Miss anything: When my shorts buttoned.
Happy or Moody: Happy as a clam! 
Movement: It's interesting to feel the different moves she makes. Sometimes it's a definite kick, sometimes it feels like a roll, and sometimes it's a shaking sensation that gives me a vibration feeling in my tummy. 
Cravings: I'll start with something healthy to distract you from what I really want to eat all day everyday -- fruit. And CHOCOLATE. Chocolate milk and my newest obsession: toast with peanut butter and chocolate chips sprinkled on top. 
Queasy or sick: Feeling good! I even managed to sneak in some seafood while we were in San Diego.
Symptoms:  Pregnancy brain. It is ridiculous. 
Looking forward to: Starting to decorate the nursery!! 

And just for fun, sometimes people tell me I don't look pregnant and sometimes I even think, "hey, I don't look too pregnant!" Well nothing will give you a dose of reality like a side by side photo of you at 12 weeks pregnant and you at 23 weeks pregnant. Side note: I remember taking this photo at 12 weeks and thinking, "I'm starting to show." HA!

Happy Humpday!

Viva La San Diego!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Well friends, I am one happy camper today because we're off to my favorite place, San Diego! 

We'll be spending the long weekend here with my parents, sister & her boyfriend, and my BFF Sarah. I absolutely cannot wait. Last year was so much fun lounging by the beach, riding bikes on the boardwalk, eating endless amounts of seafood and drinking countless beers. Although I won't be able to partake in the beer-drankin' this year, I sure hope my taste for seafood comes back so I can indulge in some fish tacos! 

Also, not quite sure I'll be able to recreate this moment (can pregnant ladies do cartwheels?) but I'll be sure to dip my belly in the ocean to give Baby Anderson her first taste of the sea.


Humpday Bumpday: 22 Weeks

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Well this morning started out with me going to the bathroom (shocking) but as I stood at the sink washing my hands, a spider came out of no where and crawled across the bathroom floor. It stopped for a split second, as if to mock me and give me a millisecond to make my move. The closest thing to me was the scale on the floor, so I picked it up and threw it on top of the spider. I didn't see the spider escape from under the scale but I had my eyes closed and was screaming so who really knows. I was way too scared to lift the scale for about 10 minutes and when I finally mustered up the courage, there was no spider to be found. I used a few choice words then picked up some bridal magazines (the heaviest things I could find), put on some slippers, and searched the bathroom for the spider. I couldn't find it. So now a spider rules my house. 

But enough about that, onto the bumpdate!

How far along: 22 weeks
Gender: GIRL!
Weight gain: 18 lbs. My doctor ASSURES me I'm "right on track." Whatever you say, doc. 
Maternity clothes: My cousin is giving me a bunch of her old maternity clothes this weekend which I'm pretty excited about, because the "let's see what regular clothes I can squeeze into" is becoming a real hassle.
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Some nights I sleep great. But the nights I have to wake up to pee are no bueno. Once I'm awake I start thinking about things like, "How the eff are we going to get everyone's address for our Save the Date cards?! Wait. We need to order Save the Date cards. Wait. We need to make a list of people we're inviting to the wedding."
Best moment this week: We're going to San Diego tomorrow and I've been looking forward to it all week!!
Miss anything: Wine. Some nights every night it would be nice to sit back on the couch watching TV with a glass of wine. 
Happy or Moody: Happy! Although I find something nearly everyday to cry about.
Movement: She's a mover & a shaker!
Cravings: I've been having a corn bread craving I really need to do something about.
Queasy or sick: Can't complain! 
Symptoms: I thought I'd add this line mostly so I can talk about PREGNANCY BRAIN. It is REAL, my friends. I have forgotten my cell phone at the nail salon and in a shopping cart at the grocery store. Today I met Erik for lunch and I forgot my purse in the restaurant. I was almost at my car when our kind server came running after me shouting, "Ma'am is this your purse?!" I was so in shock that I had forgotten my PURSE, I could only get out a, "Thank you. I'm pregnant." 
Looking forward to: A long weekend in San Diego :)

Why Didn't I Think Of This Sooner?!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My favorite thing to eat for breakfast is oatmeal. But as I sat watching the Today show, I thought my standard EVOO & sea salt oatmeal needed a face-lift. So I strolled out to the kitchen (yes, I was strolling) and thought about how I could execute an oatmeal revamp. Then it hit me. I've been wanting to make chocolate chip banana bread for awhile, and can't give you a reason why it hasn't been made other than I'm lazy. So why not make the lazy girl's chocolate chip banana bread?!
I cooked up the oatmeal, added some sea salt & cinnamon, mashed up a banana, and topped that all off with chocolate chips. 

I was already halfway done eating it when I thought it was good enough to share, so this isn't the greatest picture, but you get the point. And you know what, they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day ;) 

Humpday Bumpday: 21 Weeks

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

How far along: 21 weeks
Gender:  It's a girl!
Weight gain: 15 lbs
Maternity clothes: Rockin' my Gap maternity leggings or a dress most days
Stretch marks: Nope. Fingers crossed it stays that way!
Belly button in or out: In, but getting flatter by the day 
Sleep:  I sleep really well until I have to get up and pee and it takes me for. ev. er. to fall back asleep. 
Best moment this week: We had our anatomy scan a couple weeks ago, but because of the way she was laying, the doctor couldn't get a good shot of her spine. So yesterday I went back and not only did she get pictures of her spine, we could see baby moving her tongue around and swallowing fluid. It was absolutely amazing!!
Miss anything: I really miss not having to pee at least once in the middle of the night every. single. night.
Happy or Moody: Happy happy happy! Even though everything makes me cry. Have you guys seen the Dove For Men Real Dad Moments commercial?! What are these people trying to do to me??!
Movement: Oh yes! I've even seen my belly move a few times when she kicks. Erik witnessed it for the first time last night. Again, absolutely amazing.
Cravings: Smoothies (berry banana mango is my fave), chocolate milk, Chinese food, avocados.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good! Still with the seafood though. Just looking at a seafood salad this weekend made me want to vom.
Looking forward to: We'll be in San Diego in just over a week and I cannot wait!!

The Best Book I Ever Read

Thursday, June 5, 2014

I don't like reading. I feel like that's important to say to emphasize just how good this book is. I finished a book! And I liked it, I really liked it!! I honestly wish I liked reading more. My mom and several of my good friends are avid readers and are always telling me about the latest & greatest book they've just read and I'm just like **yawn** I get it. 
But cut to me being part of the conversation: Guys, I've just read a fantastic book, and you've got to read it!!! It's by comedian Rob Delaney. I discovered Rob (first name basis, because we're besties now, obvs.) on Twitter. You can pretty much stop reading this post and go to his Twitter right now and you'll be convinced you've gotta read this guy's book.

He's so funny. But besides being funny, he is a great story-teller. And all his stories aren't LOL funny, some are heart-warming and some are heart-wrenching. So yes, I legit laughed and cried while reading this book and I genuinely didn't want it to end, which is why it probably took me almost 3 months to read it. But alas, it is Rob's only book thus far, so now that it's over, I don't know what else to do but make everyone I know read it and experience all it's glory for themselves.

Happy reading, friends! 

Humpday Bumpday: 20 Weeks

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How far along: 20 weeks-HALFWAY THERE!!!
Gender: GIRL!!
Weight gain: 15 lbs... some people still tell me I don't look pregnant, sooooooo I just look like I have a huge beer belly???
Maternity clothes: I live in rompers, dresses, sweats, and swimsuits.
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Pretty good. I woke up the other night to use the bathroom and couldn't go back to sleep for awhile and felt baby kicking up a storm!
Best moment this week: Yesterday, I went to the pool and thought, "wow it's pretty awesome I'm at the pool in the middle of the day on a Tuesday!"
Miss anything: When getting dressed was easy-peasy. I really took for granted "just throwing on an outfit" and it actually fitting. Perhaps it's time to invest in more maternity clothes?
Happy or Moody: Happy! Unless I'm hungry, then I'm hangry.
Movement: Feel big waves of movement and random kicks throughout the day, especially after I eat.
Cravings: SWEETS!! Chocolate milk, chocolate chip banana bread, Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I may or may not have taken a swig of chocolate syrup the other day while making myself some chocolate milk.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good! Can't stand the thought of seafood (especially the dreaded tuna). And not that these foods make me queasy, but I have no interest in eating some of my favorite foods prior to being preggers, including: popcorn, potatoes in any form, vegetables.
Looking forward to: My besties are coming to visit this weekend!!

In related news, after finding out we were having a girl last week, and going to Target to pick up some makeup, I just happened to wander into the baby section and couldn't resist the cuteness of these.  They were on CLEARANCE!!!

Favorite Things

Monday, June 2, 2014

It's been awhile since I've done a Favorite Things post, so why not kick off Monday with one?! Speaking of favorite things, the weekend would be on every favorite things list ever made. It was a blazing 110 this weekend, so we spend mucho time at the pool, and the next coldest place, the movie theater, seeing A Million Ways to Die in the West.

Now onto my point, Favorite Things.

Maui Babe Browning Lotion.  Like I mentioned, it's freakin' HOT here and that means lots of time at the pool.  My BFF Sarah introduced me to Maui Babe and I've been obsessed ever since.  It's all natural and gives you a little tint immediately after putting it on. I swear it expedites your tan and BONUS! it smells great! Since it has no actual sunscreen in it, I usually put this on first and then mist some sunscreen over it. 

Up & Up Exfoliating Cucumber Cleansing Towelettes.  I love love loveeee using towelettes to take off my makeup at night.  It's so much easier and cleaner than using soap & water (unless I'm just the only one who makes a big water mess when washing my face).  I've tried a few different brands, but this Target one is the best and sells for under $5. Score!

Shellac Manicures. I love having my nails done, but hate chipped nail polish. Also hate how acrylic ruins your actual nails (and is expensive!). Shellac is significantly less expensive than acrylic, lasts for weeks, yes WEEKS!, and doesn't ruin your natural nail when you take it off. What more could you ask for?!

FitSugar Prenatal Workouts.  Now that I'm preggo, I still try to exercise 4-5 times a week, but I definitely can't handle the more intense cardio/strength workouts I was doing before.  I love searching YouTube for new workouts; and a lot of the prenatal ones I've found have been way too easy and some have been way to hard. However, just like when Goldilocks found Baby Bear's porridge, ClassFit Sugar is juuuuuust right. 

Chocolate!!! My latest & greatest craving has been chocolate.  I've satisfied my sweet tooth with chocolate chip banana bread, using the recipe I found here, and adding cinnamon and vanilla and devouring the second half of the chocolate chips not included in the recipe (I'm not kidding). And what goes better with chocolate chip banana bread than chocolate milk in a wine glass?! 


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