What the Heck, Dude?!

Friday, May 30, 2014

If you read my blog, you're familiar with my fiancé, Erik. We all know he's great & dandy and I think I've said enough lovey-dovey things about him to justify this post. Like I said, the man is great, but sometimes I'm just like, "What the heck, dude?!" Read on.

He never ever ever ever ever changes the toilet paper roll. I made the mistake ONCE of sitting down, going to the bathroom, and not checking the TP status.  I was home alone (luckily or unluckily?) and had to get up off the toilet and do that awkward shimmy-shake to the closet to get more toilet paper.

The wet wipe dangle. Why don't we just stay in the bathroom for a minute more? Everyone loves a wet wipe, but the point is that it's wet. Without fail, if Erik was the last one to use these bad boys, the next one is danglin' out and guess what?! IT'S NOT WET! So now you've just turned my wet wipe into a regular ol' piece of toilet paper, which actually might come in handy if you've also left the roll of TP empty...

He never listens to me. Okay that's a little dramatic, but so is this whole post, so go with it; because even when we're texting he doesn't listen to me. (Guadalajara is one of our fave restaurants, for reference).

He always misses the hamper, by inches.  I know you're no NBA player, but c'monnnnn a slam dunk into the hamper doesn't seem that hard!

 He always misses the sink and/or dishwasher. Not sure where this lone spoon's intended destination was, but wherever that was supposed to be, you were so close, yet so far.

And in case this post made you completely forget how much I do actually love my darling fiancé, you can read here and have your heart fill back up with butterflies & roses. 

Happy Friday, friends! 

Humpday Bumpday: 19 Weeks and IT'S A...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


We couldn't be more excited to announce we are having a girl and everything seemed to be lookin' great at our anatomy scan yesterday. At around 9 weeks, I started to have a very strong feeling we were having a girl; so strong, I even bought her a dress at a local street fair when I was only 10 weeks pregnant! At our 12 week scan, the ultrasound tech also predicted it was a girl.  But now that it's "official" it is so much more real and exciting! She even has a name, but more on that later. And now I can buy every cute girl thing I see! ;)

19 Weeks

How far along: 19 weeks
Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!
Weight gain: 15 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Trying to fit into as many of my normal clothes as possible! This weekend I used the hair tie trick to fit into some of my shorts. Now that it's 100+ degrees almost everyday, I see this happening a lot in my future.

Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: In, but it's definitely getting flatter
Sleep: Sleeping great (knock on wood!) still without the Snoogle.
Best moment this week: Finding out our baby is a she!!!!! And officially being on summer break :)
Miss anything: Wine, bellinis, etc. 
Happy or Moody: Happy!! Although quite emotional at times. I was in tears watching America's Got Talent last night, a show I thought was so stupid last summer.
Movement: Yes! I went from feeling almost no movement to feeling external kicks every now & then. Even Erik has felt some, this is definitely the best part of pregnancy. 
Cravings: I could probably live off peanut butter toast and fruit
Queasy or sick: I was making Erik a tuna sandwich the other day and nearly tossed my cookies (but I forged through and finished making the sandwich #truelove).  I don't think I will ever make, eat, or look at a tuna sandwich EVER again.  I can barely even stand mayonnaise at this point.
Looking forward to: Enjoying summer break!

My favorite pic from our ultrasound yesterday 


Red, White & Blue

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day weekend holds a special place in my heart because it is the weekend (5 years ago!) Erik and I met in San Diego. You can read all about it here.  I was 20 1/2 years old and distinctly remember asking Erik if he would buy me beer. When he asked if it was because I had no money, I snapped back with, "NO! I'm twenty and a half!" 
Now we're engaged and expecting our first child.

And what better way to celebrate this glorious holiday than with some red, white and blue food & drinks?! I'm taking our favorite things from the 4th of July and using them again this weekend, because why reinvent the wheel?

There is no better way to start the morning than with some red, white and blue pancakes & bacon.  Just use your favorite pancake recipe, divide in half, add some red food coloring to part and blue food coloring to the rest. Top with whipped cream & berries. 

And when it's "5 o'clock somewhere" whip us these  blueberry mojitos.  To make them extra festive, throw some sparklers in 'em! I'll be making a virgin version of this for myself this year, extra berries please!

Have the most wonderful three day weekend! xo

Humpday Bumpday: 18 Weeks

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How far along: 18 weeks
Gender: My guess is girl. At this time next week we'll know for sure!!
Weight gain: Remember last week when I said look for a jump in this number? Well friends, I did not disappoint! We're at a total weight gain of 15 lbs. WHOOOAAAA MAMA!
Maternity clothes: Still mixin' it up with my regular and maternity clothes 
Stretch marks: Nada
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: The Snoogle and I are on a temporary hiatus. We'll try him out again later in the pregnancy, but for now, I sleep so much better without it. 
Best moment this week: It's the last week of school!!!!! This whole week is totes awesome!!!!
Miss anything: We went to a friend's birthday this past weekend, and I got really excited when I saw someone whip out some Jell-O shots, until I very quickly remembered babies don't like Jell-O shots. So I settled for some grapes and pineapple. But hey, I didn't wake up with a hangover, suckas!
Happy or Moody: So happy!
Movement: Today I was sitting down grading papers, and I kept getting the sensation of someone poking me in the stomach. I told my coworker and she said that's the baby! Can't wait to feel more of it!
Cravings: Fruit! Especially strawberries, pineapple and grapes. I have also been addicted to soy chai lattes.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good! Can't stand the thought of eating vegetables or chicken though.
Looking forward to: Finding out in less than a week if we're having a boy or a girl! :) 


Monday, May 19, 2014

Yes, I think people touching my belly out of no where is a little odd, but I was prepared for it. What I wasn't prepared for are some of the phrases I hear over. and over. that quite frankly should never be spoken to a pregnant lady! 

Do you really need a milkshake? Yes. I REALLY need a milkshake. Why would I order a milkshake if I didn't REALLY need it?! What a stupid question.

Wooooooo!! Now everyone has a driver! News to me that I got pregnant and also became a chauffeur! 

Calm down. I AM CALM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow! You ate all that?! Yes, now give me what's on your plate because I'm still hungry.

Happy Monday! 

Humpday Bumpday: 17 Weeks

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How far along: 17 weeks
Gender: People keep telling me they SWORE their kid was going to be a girl but it turned out being a boy, so I'm starting to doubt my girl prediction.
Weight gain: 5 lbs+ (I go to the doctor Friday, so look for a jump in this number next week!)
Maternity clothes: Just my leggings and some dresses mixed in with my regular clothes.
Stretch marks: Nope. 
Belly button in or out: In, although I swear it's making its way out. I have an oddly deep bellybutton (so weird, I know) and it's looking more like a normal innie now.
Sleep: I was starting to get frustrated with rolling out of my Snoogle every night so I stopped using it. But without it, I wake up with a sore back. #pregnantladyproblems

Someone really loves the Snoogle.

Best moment this week: We have so much testing at the end of the school year, and today I completed it all. Can you say sigh of relief. Have a drink or 2 for me. 
Miss anything: Erik's mom came to visit this weekend and we they went wine tasting, can you guess what I miss??

While we were at the wineries, Erik did purchase me a Mother's Day/"sorry you can't wine taste, so let me distract you with this really cute onesie" gift.

Happy or Moody: Happy!
Movement: I've noticed this tingly/fuzzy feeling in my tummy everyday at some point for the past few days, but no where have I read that's what movement feels like. I would just like this babe to give me a good kick in the gut and say, "HELLO, I'M HERE!" 
Cravings: Fruit and peanut butter
Queasy or sick: I've had a stuffy nose since Saturday, but other than that, good!
Looking forward to: The last day of school!! 7 more days... but who's counting?! 

Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mamas out there, but especially to mine.  Thank you for your patience, support and most of all, teaching me I can do anything. 

I cannot wait to celebrate my first Mother's Day next year!


Humpday Bumpday: 16 Weeks

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How far along: 16 weeks
Gender: Still predicting girl! We find out for sure in 3 weeks.
Weight gain: 5 lbs+
Maternity clothes: Early in my pregnancy I told my coworkers I didn't plan to wear maternity clothes and they laughed in my face... ummmm ya if I could laugh in my own face right now, I would.
Stretch marks: Nope. Still using my Mustela errrrryday.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I've been managing to roll out of my Snoogle or "Poo Pillow" as Erik so lovingly calls it,  and wake up lying on my back every night. Help?! 
Best moment this week: It's Teacher Appreciation Week and that meant BOGO at Chipotle last night, holla! 
Miss anything: I would have loved a marg or 2 or 12 on Cinco de Mayo, but settled for some horchata.
Happy or Moody: Although I am super happy, I cry all. the. time. Thanks again, hormones!
Movement: For the past few weeks I've been playing the "Was It Gas or Baby" game but today I felt something that made me so aware of my stomach, I stopped in my tracks. I can't even describe what it felt like but it definitely was not gas... maybe baby??
Cravings: Peanut butter. I actually brought my huge jar of pb to work with me today because that's ALL I feel like eating.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good! I've been noticing some major food aversions though which is annoying because I'm also hungry all the time.
Looking forward to: Erik's mom is coming to visit this weekend, and rumor has it she's buying us a carseat... our first major baby purchase!! :)


I Love Cinco de Mayo

Monday, May 5, 2014

Any holiday you can go cray with the theme is a favorite of mine; the emphasis on drinking doesn't hurt either.  However, this year what I lack in alcohol consumption, I will be making up for with food. Not to worry my friends, not to worry. This baby needs some chips, salsa, guac, and everything covered with cheese.  
And while we're here,  let's take a look back at some of my favorite Cinco de Mayo moments. Because you know I also love a Throwback Thursday on a Monday.

If you're feeling really adventurous, you can try my "award winning" Oh My Guac! It's a Margarita recipe! Be sure to garnish with limes and Italian flags.

1 avocado, cut into pieces
1 (ish) cup of ice
Agave nectar, to taste
Juice of 2 limes
4 oz. jalapeño infused tequila (drop 1/2 a jalapeño into tequila & let infuse 4-5 hours, then discard...or eat(!) the jalapeño before using the tequila)
2 oz. triple sec

2 lime wedges, for garnish
Cilantro, for garnish
Spicy salt (salt mixed with chili powder), for rim of margarita glass

Prepare the margarita glasses by running a lime around the rim and dipping onto a plate containing the spicy salt.
Combine avocado, ice, agave nectar, lime juice, tequila & triple sec in a blender. Blend until smooth. Pour marg into prepared glasses. Garnish with lime, cilantro, and Oh My Guac! It's a margarita!

And here's to hoping I'm having a girl, so this can happen next Cinco de Mayo...

I'm off to have myself a couple virgin margaritas.  Happy Cinco de Mayo!!


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