What the Heck, Dude?!

Friday, May 30, 2014

If you read my blog, you're familiar with my fiancé, Erik. We all know he's great & dandy and I think I've said enough lovey-dovey things about him to justify this post. Like I said, the man is great, but sometimes I'm just like, "What the heck, dude?!" Read on.

He never ever ever ever ever changes the toilet paper roll. I made the mistake ONCE of sitting down, going to the bathroom, and not checking the TP status.  I was home alone (luckily or unluckily?) and had to get up off the toilet and do that awkward shimmy-shake to the closet to get more toilet paper.

The wet wipe dangle. Why don't we just stay in the bathroom for a minute more? Everyone loves a wet wipe, but the point is that it's wet. Without fail, if Erik was the last one to use these bad boys, the next one is danglin' out and guess what?! IT'S NOT WET! So now you've just turned my wet wipe into a regular ol' piece of toilet paper, which actually might come in handy if you've also left the roll of TP empty...

He never listens to me. Okay that's a little dramatic, but so is this whole post, so go with it; because even when we're texting he doesn't listen to me. (Guadalajara is one of our fave restaurants, for reference).

He always misses the hamper, by inches.  I know you're no NBA player, but c'monnnnn a slam dunk into the hamper doesn't seem that hard!

 He always misses the sink and/or dishwasher. Not sure where this lone spoon's intended destination was, but wherever that was supposed to be, you were so close, yet so far.

And in case this post made you completely forget how much I do actually love my darling fiancĂ©, you can read here and have your heart fill back up with butterflies & roses. 

Happy Friday, friends! 

1 comment:

  1. lol, sounds very familiar - he must know my husband too! Hope you have a great weekend!



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