I Love Cinco de Mayo

Monday, May 5, 2014

Any holiday you can go cray with the theme is a favorite of mine; the emphasis on drinking doesn't hurt either.  However, this year what I lack in alcohol consumption, I will be making up for with food. Not to worry my friends, not to worry. This baby needs some chips, salsa, guac, and everything covered with cheese.  
And while we're here,  let's take a look back at some of my favorite Cinco de Mayo moments. Because you know I also love a Throwback Thursday on a Monday.

If you're feeling really adventurous, you can try my "award winning" Oh My Guac! It's a Margarita recipe! Be sure to garnish with limes and Italian flags.

1 avocado, cut into pieces
1 (ish) cup of ice
Agave nectar, to taste
Juice of 2 limes
4 oz. jalapeño infused tequila (drop 1/2 a jalapeño into tequila & let infuse 4-5 hours, then discard...or eat(!) the jalapeño before using the tequila)
2 oz. triple sec

2 lime wedges, for garnish
Cilantro, for garnish
Spicy salt (salt mixed with chili powder), for rim of margarita glass

Prepare the margarita glasses by running a lime around the rim and dipping onto a plate containing the spicy salt.
Combine avocado, ice, agave nectar, lime juice, tequila & triple sec in a blender. Blend until smooth. Pour marg into prepared glasses. Garnish with lime, cilantro, and Oh My Guac! It's a margarita!

And here's to hoping I'm having a girl, so this can happen next Cinco de Mayo...

I'm off to have myself a couple virgin margaritas.  Happy Cinco de Mayo!!


  1. These are all so cute! Those margaritas are amazing! I wanna come to your cinci de mayo party!!
    Kallie @ But First, Coffee

  2. Was so sad I couldn't have my usual marg... or 10. Loving your throwback photos!



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