
Monday, May 19, 2014

Yes, I think people touching my belly out of no where is a little odd, but I was prepared for it. What I wasn't prepared for are some of the phrases I hear over. and over. that quite frankly should never be spoken to a pregnant lady! 

Do you really need a milkshake? Yes. I REALLY need a milkshake. Why would I order a milkshake if I didn't REALLY need it?! What a stupid question.

Wooooooo!! Now everyone has a driver! News to me that I got pregnant and also became a chauffeur! 

Calm down. I AM CALM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow! You ate all that?! Yes, now give me what's on your plate because I'm still hungry.

Happy Monday! 



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