Humpday Bumpday: 23 Weeks

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How far along: 23 weeks
Gender: GIRL!
Weight gain: 18 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Yesterday I was pretty proud of myself for putting on a "real outfit" and not just a romper or dress; granted, the button of my shorts was unbuttoned but no one could tell (or at least I hope not...)
Stretch marks: Nada
Belly button in or out: In, but getting flatter
Sleep: I definitely slept better before I was pregnant but can't complain too much about the current sleep sitch. 
Best moment this week: Amazon sent me an email this morning saying they were having a great sale on baby clothes, and indeed they were! I scooped up a few cute onesies and baby Levis. Yes, baby Levis!
Miss anything: When my shorts buttoned.
Happy or Moody: Happy as a clam! 
Movement: It's interesting to feel the different moves she makes. Sometimes it's a definite kick, sometimes it feels like a roll, and sometimes it's a shaking sensation that gives me a vibration feeling in my tummy. 
Cravings: I'll start with something healthy to distract you from what I really want to eat all day everyday -- fruit. And CHOCOLATE. Chocolate milk and my newest obsession: toast with peanut butter and chocolate chips sprinkled on top. 
Queasy or sick: Feeling good! I even managed to sneak in some seafood while we were in San Diego.
Symptoms:  Pregnancy brain. It is ridiculous. 
Looking forward to: Starting to decorate the nursery!! 

And just for fun, sometimes people tell me I don't look pregnant and sometimes I even think, "hey, I don't look too pregnant!" Well nothing will give you a dose of reality like a side by side photo of you at 12 weeks pregnant and you at 23 weeks pregnant. Side note: I remember taking this photo at 12 weeks and thinking, "I'm starting to show." HA!

Happy Humpday!

1 comment:

  1. The girl on the left turned into the woman in the right. :)



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