Humpday Bumpday: 39 Weeks

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hey guys, I'M STILL PREGNANT. And humongous. Someone told me the other day I looked like an egg.  My due date is Sunday, but I'm not quite convinced baby girl is ready to make her debut.  My doctor likes to say things like, "You won't be pregnant forever" and "She really likes her home in there."  I've also had a feeling from about halfway through my pregnancy that she was going to be late. Call it a mother's intuition, but I'm still pretty convinced it to be true. The lunch lady at our school did tell me today though that the baby is coming soon because she's dropping soooooo maybe I'm wrong? I'm quite the planner, so this whole unknown waiting thing is just not my forte. I know she'll come when she's ready, but baby gal, let's go!! You have so many cute clothes to wear, people to meet, oh and YOU HAVE A NAME!!! But you've heard that last one before and it didn't end up being true... so I understand if you're skeptical. 

How far along: 39 weeks
Gender: GIRL! 
Weight gain: 36 lbs. 
Maternity clothes: I clearly really like this striped dress, I don't even want to go back and count how many of these photos I'm rockin' it in.
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: I think we can officially declare it an outtie at this point. 
Sleep: People keep telling me "get all the sleep you can now."  Easier said than done at 9 months pregnant, people! 
Best moment this week: Erik read a book to baby girl last night and it was the cutest thing. When he got done, he said SHE NEEDS MORE BOOKS!! :)
Miss anything: When I could see my feet, bending over without almost ripping my pants (yes, that almost happened at work yesterday).
Happy or Moody: Happy! 
Movement: She really surprises me sometimes with how much she can still wiggle around in there. Future gymnast?
Cravings: Considering the excessive amount of cheese I ate today, I'm gonna have to go with cheese. 
Symptoms: I HAVE CANKLES. 
Looking forward to: My dr. appointment tomorrow to see if baby A has any plans of gracing us with her presence in the near future. 



  1. You look adorable! Love that striped dress :)

  2. The end is near! I was 41 weeks and she still wasn't ready. You've got this though! The sleep is major buttttt so hard! Enjoy your last few days as 2!



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