Sofia Belle [17 Months]

Thursday, March 17, 2016

17 Months on the 17th. Kind of cool, amiright?!
We are so so lucky this little lady is ours. She has brought more joy into our lives than I could have ever imagined. She is sweet, sassy, and FULL of personality. 

[17 month update]
stats: She is right around 27 lbs. and I'm not quite sure how tall she is. At her last appointment she was 31 inches, so I'm guessing an inch or two over that now.
eating: She is still a pretty good eater. Although she has decided her high chair is for the birds and she'd rather sit at the kitchen table like a big kid, which I love and hate all at the same time.
sleeping: Still sleeping a solid 12 hours. Holla! And she takes one afternoon nap which lasts about 2 hours.
likes: Elmo, bubbles, being outside, being chased around the couch, music, dancing, reading books, animals
dislikes: Taking off her shoes or if you put the wrong pair of shoes on her. Girlfriend has got OPINIONS. 
words: Little Miss says so much, and can pretty much repeat anything you say. Which is awesome until you're holding your child and drop your cell phone and yell, "SHIT!" and then pray she didn't catch what you said (she didn't! mom win!!)

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