10 on Tuesday | Foods I Eat [Almost] Everyday

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hey, hi, hello! It's time for 10 on Tuesday and I'm on Spring Break! Woop! Woop! 
I pretty much eat the same foods almost every single day (which is not as boring as it sounds, I swear!) and heeeeere they are! 

O N E | Avocado. I can eat avocado plain, but my absolute favorite is avocado toast. I would love to open a food truck that sells fresh juice, with avocado toast on the side--there is just so much you can to with avo toast!! (do you see my passion obsession here?!).

[avocado + tomato + goat cheese]

T W O | Apple cider vinegar. (+ elderberry syrup + lemon).  AKA the "breakfast shot." This would also be included at my food truck. Hello, I need to get this thing rolling (pun intended). Every morning I mix together a tbsp of ACV, a tsp of elderberry syrup and a splash of lemon juice and water, and I never get sick. Promise!  

T H R E E | Oatmeal. My favorite way to eat oatmeal is with a dash of sea salt and extra virgin olive oil. If you think oatmeal is boring, try it with some evoo and you will change your mind. 

F O U R | Eggs. During the week, I'll eat them hard boiled as a quick breakfast or morning snack. On the weekend, Erik makes us bomblettes (bomb omlettes). 

F I V E | Bananas. I'm not the biggest fruit fan, but bananas are my fav because they're not too sweet and go wonderfully with my next favorite food...

S I X | Peanut Butter!! I basically survived on peanut butter while I was pregnant with Sofia, and just recently let her try it for the first time. Can't say I was too surprised with how much she loved it!

S E V E N | Hummus + Veggies. This is the perfect afternoon snack. A little bit of protein, salt, and crunch.

E I G H T | Cheese Sticks. Another one of my favorite snacks. And who doesn't love a cheese stick?! (or two). 

N I N E | Lean protein. Chicken, ground turkey, salmon. We eat one of those with some veggies for dinner every night. Unless it's pizza night, of course. 

T E N | Wine. Because it's usually necessary. And have you seen all the studies about the benefits of red wine?! ;)

Happy Tuesday! xo


  1. Have you read Nourishing Traditions? I think the author would approve of your diet. =)

  2. I've never tried extra virgin olive oil in my oatmeal. I will have to try that. It sounds a little weird to be honest but I am always up for trying something because hey! it might be amazing. Great list!

  3. Love your list! Other than wine (which I'm not opposed to...I'm just weird that way and prefer coffee and dark chocolate), I eat all these foods often myself. I also love your blog and am so glad you found mine so I could find yours! FYI, you should make that rhubarb pie, because it would count as a vegetable serving. ;)

  4. sounds like we have the same nutritionist. :) thanks for linking up, gal!

  5. Avocado toast is my favorite. I add a dash of sea salt to mine and can eat it for days.



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