Sofia Belle [three months]

Saturday, January 24, 2015

I intended to write a few posts between Sofia's two month update and her three month update, but alas, I did not. Last year, one of my New Years' resolutions was to blog more. Obviously, that wasn't on my list this year; using my GPS less is my number one res for 2015.

Sofia is three months old!! (technically 14 weeks, as of yesterday).  It is amazing to watch her grow and learn and discover the world around her. She started daycare 3 weeks ago (which I plan to blog more about later) but she is doing great (minus the cold she caught that just doesn't want to seem to go away. HELP!!!!!!!!!). She is just the happiest and cutest little bean there ever was!

[three month update]
stats: She was 13lbs 2oz when we took her to the doctor a couple weeks ago for her cold. She fits into her 3 month clothes now and her 0-3 month pants are way too short. 
eating: Still loves eating. Since she started daycare, she drinks formula during the day and I nurse her in the evening and night. I'm so happy she didn't go on a "formula strike" like the pediatrician warned us some babies do after starting daycare. 
sleeping: She goes to bed around 8:30-9 and wakes up once during the night to eat. I have to wake her up to get ready to go to daycare around 6:30 and she seems to take a morning nap everyday while she's there around 7:30. Girlfriend is not a morning person! 
likes: eating, bath time, loud music, watching videos of herself on my phone, looking at her reflection, being "Super Baby" (I lay down on the floor and prop her up on my legs and fly her around like Superman), playing on her activity mat.
dislikes: waiting for milk. 
milestones: Her neck strength is really improving and she can prop herself up during tummy time, she socially smiles and grabs at objects around her, especially her blankets and burp rags. 

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