Guess Who's Back (Back Again)

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I’m baaaaaaack! And I don’t know where to begin. Should I discuss why I stopped blogging? What’s been happening since my last post? (when Sofia was THREE MONTHS OLD). Why I decided to start blogging again?!

Well. This is the blog formerly known as “Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?” and I’m Christina, the “Bubbly Brunette” behind the blog. When I was trying to come up with a more concise blog name, I enlisted the help of my husband (kind of a mistake, but also made for some good laughs). He thought up gems like “Moms Who Drop Bombs” (like what does that even mean?!). Oh, and yes! I have a husband now! Erik and I got married on June 13, 2015 at a winery in Temecula, CA. It was beautiful and we were surrounded by our closest friends and family. 

Sofia was almost 8 months old on the day of our wedding, and was just the cutest flower girl you ever did see! (biased? maybe). If you’re doing the math, you’ve figured out she is 15 months old now and I’ll save the deets on that for another (anxiously awaited, I’m sure!) post.

After signing back onto the ol’ blog earlier this week, I got kind of sad I ever decided to stop. I love having this little space to write down my memories of Sofia (even if the only other person who reads those posts is my mom). And just seeing her so itty bitty made me feel all the feels. One night (apparently around the time she was 3 months old) I woke up and thought, “oh my god! I need to get my child off the internet!” I was deep into the rabbit hole of some pretty scary articles about babies and the internet. But today, I think the good of these little spaces and big communities they build far outweigh the bad. And I just want to be another small, positive space over here at The Bubbly Brunette. So come along for the shenanigans, I promise it’ll be fun!!  

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