A Pumpkin Carving Success Story

Monday, October 28, 2013

I am pleased to announce, that after YEARS of failed pumpkin carvings, I finally had some success! I think I owe this all to my electric pumpkin carver. (just kidding that thing sucked. oh & not kidding that I really bought one thinking it would solve all my problems. I mean it was only $3.99 at Alberstson's!)

Anyways. We went to the Pumpkin "Patch" Sunday (it wasn't really a patch like the one we went to last year, but still fun, nonetheless!) with Erik's brother & his girlfriend.  After petting some donkeys, playing some beanbag toss, and taking a hayride out to pick out our pumpkins, we picked up some pumpkin beers & electric pumpkin carvers and got to work!
Side note: in case you read my last post, we were supposed to carve pumpkins Wednesday, but got super busy & decided to postpone pumpkin carving til the weekend. SO. Those pumpkins still remain uncarved. (And are calling out to me they want to be painted!!)

And taaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaa! Here are the finished beauts! Mine is the bat, which might not seem like much, until you remember this.
Erik's brother, Kyle, made the jack o' lantern on the right, Erik did the Dracula & Olivia (Kyle's gf) made the unicorn!

And of course, there were pumpkin seeds. I baked ours with olive oil, garlic salt, and cayenne pepper. Man, is it a biatch to clean/prepare/wait patiently while those things cook, but oh it is so worth it!

Happy Halloween Week!


  1. oh gosh, your pumpkins look amazing -- i think you just got the electric pumpkin carver some good press :)



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