Spirit Week!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Last week at work was Spirit Week a.k.a the best week of the year. Not only does that mean it's the week before Halloween, but it also means you get to dress up in super silly/fun outfits everyday to work (and see your cute students dress up too).

Monday. Pajama Day. Yes. I wore leopard footies to work. And yes, I had an irrational fear I would get pulled over on the way to/from work (why? I don't know).  But all I could imagine was the cop walking up to my car and I would have to get out in all my leopard footie pajamaness. Yes, this is the way my mind works sometimes. Luckilyyyyyyy, that didn't happen.  And I relished all day in those jams.

Tuesday. Decade Day. Kindergarten was the 80's. Can you tell?! I don't know how hair survived that decade. My hair was a knotty hot mess that night after all the teasing & hair spray.

Wednesday. Mismatch Day.  Funny story. This was not the original outfit I planned to wear. Erik informed me that my outfit matched too much. You would think mismatching would be super easy. But nooooooo. I was almost late to work that day, after everything I tried on "matched too much" according to Erik.  So, this was the best I could do.  Still trying to decide if this was even mis-matchy enough.

Thursday. Sports Day. Somehow no pictures of me exist on this day.  But just imagine me decked out in my Yankees gear. ;)

Aaaaaaaand drumroll please.....
Friday! Character Day!! I got to dress up as my absolute favorite character, Pete the Cat! My students love Pete just as much as I do. And got a kick out of seeing me dressed up as him.  I was a cat one year for Halloween, so I used the ears & tail from that costume, and made my own red shoes.

It's alllllll good.


  1. your mismatch outfit is super cute! is it awful that i would wear that on a normal day? hehe, i love mixing and matching prints:) your best day, however, was definitely cat-in-the-hat - so fun!

    1. I think that's why I had such a hard time with the mismatch -- I love mismatching on normal days!



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