Flashback Monday

Monday, October 21, 2013

In lieu of Throwback Thursday, I thought I'd post a "Flashback Monday." I know that has absolutely no ring to it.  But I've been fighting a cold since Friday and the congestion & lack of wine is really starting to get to me. But in between downing tea & Vitamin C, it occurred to me I should share again the amateur moves Halloween brings out of me.

Here are the pumpkins we picked out this year.  Not sure what I'm gonna do with this bad boy...but I'm thinking based on my pumpkin carving record, instead of carving-maybe paint?! But then there aren't any pumpkin seeds to roast! Luckily I have until Wednesday to get my act to together (and kick this cold's booty).  Stay tuned for what I hope is my first successful pumpkin carving in 3 years! :)

Oh & as far as the Halloween candy goes, we've I've already finished the first bag. (Thought I could save enough to hand out to Trick or Treaters even though I bought it an entire month & a half before Halloween. HA! Amateur.)

1 comment:

  1. looking forward to seeing what you do with it :) happy tuesday!



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