Farewell, Twenty-Four!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Tomorrow I am turning 25 and it seems like just yesterday I was 
celebrating my 24th birthday wine tasting with the fam bam & friends. 
So I thought I'd share some of the highlights my 24 year old self had before I bid this year adieu.

Erik & I went on a couple staycations. One in the wintertime and another in the summer.

Never underestimate the power of a good staycation.

Speaking of my manfriend, it boggles my mind that I met him when I was 20. TWENTY. 
After meeting Erik (not immediately after) I asked him to buy me beer.  Him: "Why, you have no money?" Me: "No, because I'm 20 & a half!" True story.

My mom & I bought new Toyotas.
Don't let my happy face fool you.  Buying a car was one of the most stressful, traumatic things I have ever experienced.

I took my students on a field trip to the zoo & pretended I was a turtle.  Because I'm also 5 years old, really.

I discovered pho & boba. And wondered how I ever lived without them.

I pub golfed for the first time.  And rode a bike for the first time in 289329039482 years.  And whoever said, "It's just like riding a bike" or whatever that stupid saying is never rode the bike I was on!!!

My BFFs came to Tucson, so of course we went wine tasting.

Erik graduated! (And oh my god, was he not the cutest kid ever?!)

I drank a bloody mary drank with a burger on top of it.

Erik & I moved into our new, fabulous apartment!

I made pickles.

We painted pictures.

I (successfully) carved a pumpkin.

We went to the Price is Right.

I purchased my second UofA shirt. Ugh.

24 was quite an awesome year and I can't wait to see what 25 brings! Tonight I will be throwing my 80's theme birthday bash. So in honor of that, here is a throwback to me 20 years ago on my 5th birthday.



  1. Sounds like you had a big year! I'll be 26 in March. I'm unsure how to deal with that..lol

  2. Such cute pictures! Sounds like you had a great year! :)



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