Short Hair, Don't Care

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hello friends.  I did something crazy.  Really, REALLY crazy.  I got a haircut.  Insane, I know.  I haven't (ever?) discussed my hair on the blog.  But here it is, making it's big debut, a week after I got it cut.  A long week of debating whether I like the shorter new 'do.  I have had long(ish) hair almost my entire life.  But lately, it's long-ness has been looking more like dead-ness.  The ends were atrocious.   A normal person would think, "Hey, maybe I'll just get a trim." But I'm a little more extreme & spontaneous.  And after seeing Gigi on Bravo's Shah's of Sunset (I hope I'm not the only one who watches this show) and Chrissy Teigen (my idol) get their long locks cut, I thought, "HEY! I CAN DO IT TOO!!!" #sorrycapslock.

Chrissy & Gigi

So anyways, after not much consideration, I scheduled a haircut (side note: I couldn't get an appointment at my normal place until after Christmas-I ain't got time for that, so after a quick Yelp search I settled on a new place that could get me an appointment the next day).  
I get to the salon, and my hairstylist asked if I would like anything to drink, which I was about to automatically say no to--- until she said moscato...ummm heck YES! Like I said, I was going for a drastically shorter look (cue the anxiety attack) so any bit of help easing my nerves, I needed!  She colored my hair, I sat under the dryer, then she washed my hair and gave me an amazing head massage. After that and 2 glasses of moscato, I remember thinking for a split millisecond, "I don't even care how my hair turns out!" But as soon as she got her scissors out, I was sober Sally again.  The rest was a blur until all was said & done and I looked at myself with short hair, breathed a sigh of relief and thought, "This isn't so bad."  I should also mention, I usually only get my hair cut once a year, so this was all very dramatic for me. Now I bestow upon you the best before and after pics I could come up with...

I still see pictures of myself with long hair, want to burst into tears and think, I'm never cutting my hair again. But I have to say, this short hair is kinda growing on me (pun intended).

Happy Thirsty Thursday!


  1. You look gorgeous! I really like it short and suits you so much. Classy and fabulous!!!

    xo Mel
    turquoise blonde

  2. Love the short hair on you - you look beautiful!

  3. You look gorgeous!! It suits you! I tried the whole short hair thing once and I literally felt like locking myself in a room until it grew out. I just don't have the best "short hair" It's frizzy and kinda wavy, but not like cute wavy, more like, crazy wtf is up with your nappy hair wavy. :(

    1. thank you!! I pretty much imagined that scenario the entire time I was getting my hair cut...ahhhh! but your hair looks great now! :)



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