
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Yesterday, I came across a pretty amazing campaign about choosing to love yourself, which I think is especially important now that I’m a mom to a daughter.  While I was pregnant, I had a strong intuition from early on that Sofia was a girl. At our 19 week scan, my intuition was confirmed.  On the drive home from that doctor appointment, I cried. Not because I was disappointed or sad, but because I was scared of the world my daughter would grow up in, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to teach her all she needs to know, and of course, pregnancy hormones.

But I knew the best way to show her how to love herself, was to love myself.  It’s hard not to put yourself down, be self-deprecating, and point out your flaws before someone else does. But I want Sofia to be confident.  I want her to be kind.  I want her to be independent.  I want her to be compassionate.  I want her to be herself, and love herself, ALWAYS. Even typing that all out gets me a little teary-eyed (because everything makes me cry now) and there’s still a little voice in my head asking, “will I be able to do enough to make sure she’s all those things?”

crazy hair, don't care

That’s why I’m #choosingtolovemyself.  I am the best version of myself when I am with Sofia. I am patient. I am fun. I am funny (although Sofia & Erik might disagree). I am relaxed. I am confident. She sees that I love her, and she sees that I love myself. So I can do this. I love myself. We got this, mamas (insert fist bump emoji).


1 comment:

  1. I had those same fears when you were born, but I guess I needn't have because it turned out you ARE all of those things. So hang in there, mama! Love you both!



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