Today when I got home from work, I thought to myself, "It was a good day." And then I got to thinking... what exactly made today such a good day? Sure, there were some things throughout the day that made me smile and laugh and I did get a pretty massive ego boost, but nothing out of the ordinary. Then I really started thinking: What's the difference between a bad day and a good day? Of course, the day I got engaged was a good day and the day I found out a relative died was a bad day; but when it's just a "normal" day what makes the day good or bad?! The differences really seem minimal. So minimal all my deep thinking couldn't come up with an answer, except! for my own perception of the day. I let myself smile and laugh at silly annoying things my students did, I accepted a compliment, and I enjoyed the presence of the people around me. I also listened to Pharrell's Happy 3 times, which never hurts the good day meter.
So basically, this "theory" I have means every day can be a good day. Easier said than done, I'm sure, but hey it's worth a shot!
And because it's Thursday, and I cannot resist a Throwback Thursday, #tbt to that one time (exactly a month ago!!) Erik & I were in Vegas and took selfies and got engaged.
the best day
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