I have two favorite things right now. These things bring me so much happiness with their awesome awesomeness, I was literally brought to tears.
The Horchata Frappuccino. One night I was perusing Instagram when I came across a picture of a lady holding a horchata frappuccino. Quick side note: I LOVE HORCHATA. So the thought of a horchata frap existing was just too good to be true, and as Oprah once said, "If it's too good to be true, it probably is." I nervously typed "starbucks secret menu horchata frappucinno" into Google and tried not to get my hopes up... but like a shining ray from the heavens, there it was, a link to the recipe! I clicked on it. And then walked out from our bedroom, to the living room where Erik was sitting (and literally with tears in my eyes) told him the horchata frappuccino existed. The next day I told my coworker about it and she said she was planning to go Starbucks on her break and asked if I wanted her to get me one. OF COURSE!!!!!!!!! Breanna, you are a saint.
It was everything I could have hoped for and more.
Here is the "secret menu" so you can grab yourself one of these bad boys.
Zumba. I got Erik an Xbox One for his birthday. Actually it was his birthday/Christmas gift or late Christmas gift, however you wanna look at it, the point is I got him one!!! And like the kind man he is, he tried to get a couple games he thought I would like, one of those being Zumba. I fell in love with Zumba on the Xbox after witnessing Erik do it (he looked hilarious in the cutest way possible). After trying it for myself, I was hooked. You literally cannot do Zumba without smiling because a). it's so fun and b). you know you must look like a complete fool but uhhhh don't care because you're having so much fun. Also if you wanna be all fitness-y and technical, it's a pretty decent workout too!
And maybe I'll have your abs one day, lady.
So there ya go my friends, what's makin' me happy as a clam these days!
Speaking of happy... have the happiest of hump days!!
That Starbucks sounds amazing!!