Humpday Bumpday: 35 Weeks

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How far along: 35 weeks... only 32 days until my due date!!
Gender: GIRL! 
Weight gain: 30 lbs. 
Maternity clothes: Yep! The maternity dress I'm wearing this week from Tarjay is one of my faves. 
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: Sometimes it's in, sometimes it's out--it's got a mind of its own. 
Sleep: Has been so good! I'm hoping it stays that way.
Best moment this week: We went to the Last Comic Standing comedy tour last night and it was absolutely hilarious. Baby girl was moving around the entire time too, clearly she wanted to party. 
Miss anything: I just received a Snapchat of pumpkin ale.... can't wait to indulge in one of those! And some wine. 
Happy or Moody: Happy! 
Movement: She moves around so much sometimes I swear she must be plotting her escape.
Cravings: Hummus, peanut butter, soy chai lattes. 
Symptoms: My hands got so swollen the other night my engagement ring didn't even fit. Luckily this was only temporary and I think it was from all the walking we did at the football game on Saturday. Maybe??
Looking forward to: Tomorrow we graduate from our prenatal class! And my mom is coming this weekend and we've got a mini spa vacay planned, cannot wait for a massage!! 




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