Humpday Bumpday: 36 Weeks

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A snap of my mom and I this weekend at our mini spa vacation. 

How far along: 36 weeks
Gender: GIRL! 
Weight gain: 30 lbs. 
Maternity clothes: Can I be done with these now?!
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: It's still not officially out, but it has its moments.
Sleep: The poo pillow (Snoogle) is baaaaack. I'm learning to love it now. Even if it is a biatch to navigate, once I'm in it makes sleep so much better. 
Best moment this week: My weekend of relaxation and prenatal massage was pretty perfect. 
Miss anything: If you didn't guess from the maternity clothes question, I miss my regular clothes. Almost as much as I miss wine.. which says a lot!
Happy or Moody: Happy! 
Movement: Lots of nudges and baby hiccups these days. She also almost always reacts to Kobe barking.. bonding with her big bro already.
Cravings: Waffles and peanut butter
Symptoms: Tailbone/back pain, lots of pressure on my bladder which makes me feel like I have to pee 24/7.
Looking forward to: Erik and I are going to a Yelp even tonight, so I'm looking forward to some good food and entertainment!

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