Back To School!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Oh, hi. Remember I posted my "work in progress" classroom and then fell off the face of the Earth?  I had big plans, not only for my classroom, but for documenting it's progress.  But alas, everyday I would come home with no pictures, because I never quite finished one area of my classroom before moving on to start another.  So it wasn't done, until it was ALL DONE. (Totally random, but relatable, I'm watching Family Feud right now and the category is "jobs that stink" and the girl buzzes in, "Teacher!" By the way, that answer wasn't on the board. Yay.)

Remember this?

Here is the same view now! (Ignore the paper all over the desks I was too lazy to move...)

& some close-ups...

 Carpet/calendar/morning meeting/storytime corner

Word Wall 

Calendar board 

 Behavior Chart

 Gotta love a montage ;)

PS. Clearly, it looks like my classroom theme is birds (and it kinda is I guess) but I just want to throw out there that I haaaaaate am deathly afraid of birds.  Fun fact-in our old apartment, Erik opened our back patio door and a pigeon flew right in.  I hid in the kitchen screaming for a while until I felt safe enough to run into the bathroom and lock myself in there (because birds know how to unlock doors??) I was convinced our neighbors probably thought I had been murdered that night. 

But instead of my awkward bird story, I'll leave you with this.  My kiddos from last year doing something cute.


  1. That looks like it was so much work, it turned out great! Love all the chevron prints and the owls :)

    Instagram: megawat

    1. Thank you!! :) The chevron print is duct tape I found at Target (while shopping for lamps for the apt...)

  2. I love your classroom! Funny story about birds, at least the owls in your room look friendly. ;) I used to teach 5th grade and I loooove your behavior chart and your poster that says "the first thing I do is write my name." Even 5th graders need to constantly he reminded of that! Hope you have a great school year!



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