Saturday, August 31, 2013

Yes. THEY CAME!!! Our Price is Right tshirts came!!! In case you missed my "most exciting post ever" or just want to relive the memories, you can do that here. And once again, pause for dramatic effect as I bestow upon you the tshirts we shall be wearing as we grace the Price is Right with our presence...

Side note: I was watching the Price is Right one day this past week (I DVR it, then watch it after work while exercising in my living room, it's really quite perfect)......... alright what was I saying?? So I'm watching the Price is Right and Drew tells some contestant, "Whatever game you put on your shirt, you never get to play, so you should put a game on your shirt you hate."  Well, clearly Drew does not frequent my blog or he would have gotten this information to me much sooner, but alas, there is also no Price is Right game I hate!  T-minus 2 weeks until the big day!!

Happy weekend! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. such fun shirts -- i'm excited for you :)



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