Today Sofia
woke up as a 16 month old. She also woke up in one of the best moods ever!
Until I tried to get her dressed, everything went downhill fast from there.
Sofia is obsessed obsessed with
jackets. I don’t really know why, it’s a little weird, but whatevs, there are
way worse things in life than a baby obsessing over a jacket. Last night, after Sofia’s bath, I put her new robe on her (baby in a
bathrobe-there is nothing cuter!) but instead of calling it a “robe” I told her
it was a “jacket.” Like I want to go back in time and slap myself in the face
for doing that.
As soon as I
tried to take it off to put her jammies on, she freaked out, but I let her wear
it over her pajamas, after I was able to wrestle those on. We played a little
bit more, read some books, and then it was time for bed. And I let her sleep
with her robe (ahem, jacket) on. Mistake numero dos. But I thought, “what could
possibly go wrong?! in the morning I’ll take off her robe and put her actual
jacket on and she’ll be just fine.”
Well well well, like I said, little miss
woke up in a great mood, until I tried to take her new beloved jacket off.
Literally, I have never seen a meltdown quite like this. Girlfriend was PISSED.
The good ole jacket switcharoo did not go as planned (of course). She calmed
down a little once we got in the car, but as soon as we got to school, it was
not a pretty sight. Sofia loves school and is usually such a happy camper when
I drop her off. (sometimes she even cries when we leave in the afternoon-like
the kid loves daycare, which makes my mama heart so happy). But this morning she
was anything but pleased to be there. She threw herself on the floor of her
classroom and cried & cried. Her teacher picked her up while I left and I
could hear Sofia yelling, “mama mama!” down the hall. It was THE worst. I
cried. Probably more than she did. Luckily her school has cameras, so I hopped
on my phone as soon as I got back into my car and could see she looked like she
was already doing much better.
I ended up being late for work and when I
explained to my coworker what went down this morning, I started to cry again
(it also doesn’t help that Aunt Flo showed up this morning), but she
hugged me (even though she prefaced the hug with, “I know you don’t like hugs”)
and told me I was a really good mom, which of course, always makes a gal feel nice.
I called Sofia’s daycare just to make sure she was doing okay, and she was.
Oh this
adventure of mommyhood, it’s really something else.
[16 month update]
stats: At her 15 month appointment, she was 25 lbs. 13 oz & 31 inches – 95th percentile for both (fun fact: I had my mom pull out my baby book the last time I was at my parents’ house, and Sofia & I have almost the exact same growth pattern).
eating: She is getting a little pickier, especially at home, because apparently at school she eats everything. Her teacher told me the kids had red bell peppers the other day and Sofia was the only babe who ate them. I have tried on T H R E E separate occasions at home to give her bell peppers, but she turns her nose up at them. I even tried to give her some hummus to dip those suckers in, and she used the pepper solely as a vessel to transport hummus into her mouth (can’t even be mad at that).
Some of her favorite foods include, black beans, bananas, avocado, egg whites, pancakes, pasta with olive oil and parmesan, green beans, and crack-ahhhhhs! (crackers, of any variety).
sleeping: She goes to bed around 6:30-7 and sleeps 12 solid hours. It. Is. Glorious. Especially since she didn’t start sleeping consistently through the night (+ past 6am) until she was 10 months old.
likes: her jackets (obviously), Elmo, animals, music & dancing, reading books, mama+dada, Kobe, ring around the rosie, the park, bathtime.
dislikes: being separated from her beloved jacket, sitting in her stroller, sitting in a shopping cart (Erik let her ride in one of those stupid carts with the little car in front of it and now every time we go to the grocery store, she sees it and yells “BEEP BEEP!!” and you must let her ride in it. OR ELSE).
words: mama, dada, baba, woof woof (when she sees Kobe or any other dog), cow, MOOOOO!, cluck cluck, RAWR!, ooh ooh ahh ahh! (monkey), bop it (yes, she loves her bop it), jacket, on, off, up, down, hi, hello, bye bye, Elmo, no , mine, ni-ni (night-night), schooooo! (school), crack-ahhh, nana (banana) bathtime, bubbles, PAAAPA! & mama (for grandpa & grandma), ball, cheers!, bump (for when she wants you to fist-bump her), get down!, snack.