Saturday Scramble

Saturday, July 13, 2013

There is only one way to cook/eat/enjoy scrambled eggs and that's low & slow.  I seriously didn't even like scrambled eggs until I discovered this newfangled way to make them. (just kidding, I'm sure people have been doing this since the stone age. maybe.)

OKAY. Back to the eggs. This takes some time and patience and focus, but oh, it is so worth it.

Set your burner on low and add more butter than you think necessary to the pan and let it melt.
I'm realizing now melted butter isn't captured well on camera......

Whisk your eggs up with some cream.
Okay, a lot of cream.......

Add your eggs to the pan and watch the magic happen

Remember. This takes time. When the eggs have almost reached perfection (i.e. when they're almost done) you'll need to tend to them often. Move them around constantly with a spatula or they'll get too "done" and dry and all your hard work will fly right out the window. (Oh & yeah, if drier scrambled eggs are your thing, low & slow probably isn't for you).

Serve with some bacon

And bloody marys

And BAM! That's Saturday morning.

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